Books by Sandra Inman

Crafting Your Wiccan Path: Connect to Nature, Spirit and Magick Through the Practices of Witchcraft is more than just an overview of what Wicca is, how to practice magick or cast spells. It's a guide to help you dig deeper into your spiritual connection with yourself, the gods and nature. Become inspired to practise your craft in ways that bring you a deeper understanding of yourself so that you can create a life of joy, peace and an empowered sense of self.
- Explore how witchcraft practices can provide you with a firm foundation for spiritual knowledge and growth.
- Discover how you can turn basic Wiccan rites into powerful vehicles for transformation.
- Understand how magick really works and how to craft successful spells.
- Learn what Shadow Work is and how you can use it to access your full potential.
- Develop a daily practice to deepen your connection to nature, spirit and your true Self.
While many books about Wicca will tell you what to do and how to do it, Crafting Your Wiccan Path aims to inspire you and show you how you can make these practices meaningful.
In Tapping Into Abundance: How to use EFT Tapping With The Law of Attraction to Change Your Mindset and Turn Your Life Around, Sandra Inman presents a very simple process. She guides you through a step-by-step program that teaches you how to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping, to release and eliminate limiting mindset blocks once and for all.
With easy-to-follow exercises and tapping scripts, Sandra helps you break down the walls of emotional pain and the underlying beliefs and vows that are causing this pain. She also addresses key blockages that you may not think you have.
At the end of this program you will:
• Understand your own magnetic ability and how to increase its effectiveness.
• Discover your blocks to manifestation and skillfully eliminate them.
• Access the power within you that directs the universal energy toward your goals.
• Know yourself and what you really want from life.
• Fast track your ability to live the life you were born to live by following a simple 5 step method.
After reading this book, you’ll not only understand what’s been preventing you from successful manifestation but also how to achieve complete and lasting freedom from those unpleasant beliefs that have been holding you back from fully stepping into your power.