About Sandra

About Sandra Inman

Welcome! I’m Sandra Inman, and I’m passionate about guiding you on a transformative journey to connect with your inner magick, overcome limiting beliefs, and create a life filled with joy, peace, and purpose.

My path into the world of magick began in 1991 with Scott Cunningham’s "The Truth About Witchcraft Today." His teachings ignited a deep connection to nature and the divine feminine within me. Eager to expand my practice, I joined a coven in 1993, finding profound learning and community support. Yet, despite this rich experience, I sensed something was still missing—a true connection to my core self.

Simultaneously, my career in the performing arts, with a Bachelor of Arts in Dance, was overshadowed by self-doubt and anxiety. My struggles with promoting myself and my work were daunting, and I sought solace in various spiritual traditions, including Buddhism and Sufism. It wasn’t until I discovered Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) during a particularly challenging time in my life that I found the breakthrough I needed. EFT allowed me to release the deep-seated beliefs and anxieties that had been holding me back, transforming my life in profound ways.

Integrating my Wiccan practices with EFT, meditation, and shadow work, I found the missing link to deepening my spiritual connection. This powerful combination enabled me to align with my True Self and experience a profound sense of unity with the Universe. Driven by this transformation, I dedicated myself to teaching Wicca, blending traditional practices with modern techniques to help others achieve similar breakthroughs.


What I Offer

Through my one-to-one coaching and spiritual mentoring, I use EFT and shadow work to guide you in overcoming the self-doubt and limiting beliefs that may be keeping you stuck. Whether you’re seeking to deepen your witchcraft practice, master spell casting, or explore the transformative power of EFT, my courses are designed to empower you and support your journey.


  • Mystery Witch School Academy: Dive deep into the essentials of Wicca and witchcraft.
  • Witch’s Guide to Magick: Learn the art of spell casting and magickal practices.
  • Confident Tarot Reader: Enhance your tarot skills and gain deeper insights.
  • Wheels of Empowerment: Use tarot and chakras to work through limiting beliefs.
  • Shadow Work with EFT: Release blockages and connect with your inner self.

One-to-One Coaching and Mentoring:

  • Personal Coaching: Overcome limiting beliefs, embrace your potential, and build confidence.
  • Spiritual Mentoring: Take a deep dive into your witchcraft path with tailored guidance.

Let’s Transform Together

I invite you to explore how my courses and coaching can support your journey towards a more empowered and joyful life. Let’s work together to unlock your inner magick, release what’s holding you back, and step into a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Ready to take the next step?

Courses and Training Coaching and Mentoring


"I have found Sandra's course very easy to learn with awesome training tools that you can understand and it's very motivational. Her demonstration and information videos are great. I love how it's self-paced and how we get to connect with like-minded people all over the world through the zoom nights. Couldn't wait to start the practical side of things. Thanks so much Sandra for your knowledge. BB " -Wendy G, Gin Gin - Australia

"Sandra draws from a rich knowledge and experience. Sharing tools to help those wanting to develop their inner understanding and reconnect with what inspires. Sandra is very down to earth. She provides materials and is available to field questions and talking points which will inevitably arise out of such individual seeking and developing. It is the individual who ultimately finds their own answers. (And it is this quiet unassuming quality which assures me that the path I set myself to follow is under my control and free from external coercion.)" Sophie C - Brisbane, Australia

"Can I say also how much I am enjoying the course? I look forward to it every month and I learn something new on every module.  I like your straight forward attitude and the manner in which the work is explained in a logical way." Rachael R- United Kingdom

"When I first decided to begin my practice, I had no idea where to start. There was so much information online, it was confusing. After finding Mystery Witch School, I feel like this is what I was meant to do. I feel like it was the answer to exactly what I was looking for. I am so grateful for the step-by-step instruction and the training has been very easy to understand. Can't believe how much I learned in just the first week. I'm so excited to continue my journey. Thank you, Sandra!"  Melissa Volk - USA

"I'm up to day 2 of Sandra's program and it is wonderful. Thank you Sandra for this no-nonsense and easy to follow program. It has been a joy so far x"   Emma

"Whether you are a beginner starting out on your journey of healing, self-actualisation and self-empowerment, or an experienced adept of energetic bodywork. Wheels of Empowerment is suitable for all. This is an excellent course and platform to help you gain a thorough understanding of the chakra system. It invites you to delve deeper into understanding the subtle bodies and it's processes, connecting body, mind and spirit in a very tangible and practical way. I have been a practising Reiki Healer/Master for 26 years and have never come across such an in-depth and comprehensive course, that is so intelligently congruent and easy to understand. Doing this course was time well spent. I highly recommend this course. If you've been thinking about doing this course. I say go for it. You'll be glad that you chose to do it." Freya C - Australia. 

“… I was able to release and shift major issues of “not belonging or fitting in” “lack of self-confidence”. The reason I answered her call for a first session, was actually because I wanted to shift my “money blocks”…OMG, I had no idea that my supposed money blocks were actually much much deeper!!! So today I’m celebrating a major business win in large part due to the work I did with Sandra! "     Belle F, Australia

"I feel that I can focus better due to the tools and advice Sandra gave me. I now understand how to reason with myself without giving myself a hard time. Sandra has shown me how to focus and get the best from my abilities."    Wendy T, UK

"A very big shout out to Sandra Inman who I had a session with. Continual shifts happening which have me moving forward and embracing the energy and emotions in my body. Thank you for your help."    Darleen R, Australia