Books on Spells and Magick

The Books below are some of my about Spell Crafting and Magic. You'll find books that specialise in crystals, herbs and tarot as well as general spell casting. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and


Understanding the Tarot Court Cards

The Book of Crystal Spells by Ember Grant is more than a spell book. Ember also educates the reader on the different types of crystals. Learn how to utilise gem stones for magick, talismans, charms and crystal grids.

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Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom

 Herbal Magic by Aurora Kane is a handbook of natural spells, charms and potions that utilise the energy of herbs, colour and the phases of the moon.

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The Tarot History, Symbolism and Divination

Tarot Spells by Janina Renee shows you how to incorporate tarot into your spellwork. There are many tarot spells for love, romance, finance, health, creativity, overcoming obstacles and improving your psychic awareness.

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Tarot and the Tree of Life

 The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Fairies by Skye Alexander introduces you to Fae magick. There are many wonderful spells in this book as well as instructions on how to work with the fair folk.

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Tarot and the Tree of Life

 The Encylopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes gives you access to 5000 spells from all around the world. You'll find spells for almost anything in this book as well as recipes for magickal waters and oils e.g. Florida Water and Flying Devil Oil.

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Tarot and the Tree of Life

 Complete Formulary of Magical Oils by Celeste Rayne Heldstab gives you access to over 1200 recipes for potions, tinctures and everyday use.

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Around the Tarot in 78 Days

Spell Craft For a Magical Year by Sarah Barlett divides spellwork into the months and seasons of the year. The spells in this book are simple and don't require a lot of ingredients.

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Standard Waite Smith Deck

 Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch by Patti Wigington gives you a spell for every day of the year. If you want to incorporate very simple spells into your daily practice this book is for you. These spells are very simple and don't require an lot of ingredients.

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Mini waite smith deck

 The Practice With Spell Deck by Cerridwen Greenleaf comes in the form or individual cards. These are also very simple spells that don't require a lot of ingredients. There are plenty of spells here for love, home, money and health.

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The Easy Tarot

 Practical Prosperity Magick by Ellen Dugan is full of spells to help you increase your money and financial independence. You'll find spells here to remove obstacles as well as spells to increase your money flow.

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Arthurian Tarot

Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith is a wonderful book on candle magick and magick in general. You'll not only learn how to use candles for spell work, you'll also get a serious study on how you should approach magic for successful results.

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Mythic Tarot

Candle Burning Rituals by Raymond Buckland was my first book on candle magic. In this book, you're given spells for many areas of life that involve multiple candles. The spells work with the psalms as well as pagan verses to stimulate the subconscious mind.

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Mythic Tarot

Modern Witches Spellbook by Skye Alexander is a beautifully created book with lots of spells and witchy potions and incantations.

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Mythic Tarot

Protection and Reversal Spells by Alyssa Vera has heaps of spells to protect you from energetic attacks.

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