How to Feel into Successful Magick

When casting a spell, it's crucial to immerse yourself in the magical result using your imagination. Feeling the desired outcome intensifies energy, enhancing the spell's potency and manifestation potential.

However, many new witches struggle to feel into spell results especially if they have never experienced the result before. In this video, I explain what is meant by "feel" into the result and how you can use 3 methods to get you there without having to focus on emotion at all.

Enjoy the video!


Use the above tips to achieve your spell crafting goals.

If you want to get on top of your spellcasting download the Spell Caster Checklist

  • Get specific about what you want and the best way to target your spells for results
  • Remove potential obstacles to your spellwork before they actually become obstacles
  • Successfully create a magickal plan of action to enchant your goals every step of the way

Every question on this checklist is designed to get you into the driver's seat of your life by creating realistic, attainable results from your magick.

Spell Caster Checklist

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