Spell to Attract Money

Are you ready to attract financial abundance into your life?

In my latest video, I share a simple money spell from my online course, "The Witch’s Guide to Magick." This spell is designed to help you manifest wealth and prosperity using simple yet effective tools: a green candle, citrine crystal, bay leaf, and a special chant. Here’s a quick guide to complement the video and help you get started on your path to financial abundance.

Why This Spell Works

Each element of this spell has a unique significance in attracting wealth:

  • Green Candle: Represents money, growth, and success. Lighting a green candle sets the intention for financial abundance.
  • Citrine Crystal: Known as the merchant's stone, citrine attracts wealth, success, and prosperity while also dispelling negative energy.
  • Bay Leaf: A powerful herb for manifestation, the bay leaf amplifies your intentions and brings good fortune.
  • Chant: The spoken word is a potent tool in magick. The chant included in this spell focuses your energy and intentions on attracting money.

Here's what to do:

  1. Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Cleanse the area with incense or your preferred method to ensure a positive environment.

  2. Set Your Intention: Clearly define your financial goal. Whether it’s attracting a specific amount of money, improving your financial situation, or opening up new opportunities, be specific. I'm using a specific amount in the video.

  3. Light the Green Candle: As you light the candle, focus on your intention. Visualize money flowing into your life and feel the excitement and gratitude for this abundance.

  4. Hold the Citrine Crystal: Hold the citrine in your hand and close your eyes. Imagine the energy of the crystal amplifying your intention and attracting wealth to you.

  5. Write on the Bay Leaf: Write your financial goal on the bay leaf. It can be a dollar amount, a symbol, or a word that represents your intention.

  6. Chant: Recite the chant from the video while holding the bay leaf. Feel the power of your words infusing the bay leaf with your intention.

  7. Enchant the Bay Leaf: Hold the bay leaf over the flame of the green candle. Hold it away from the flame so it doesn't burn. Imagine your intention being encoded into the Bay leaf.

  8. Close the Spell: Let the candle burn out safely. Keep the citrine crystal in a prominent place in your home and carry the bay leaf with you.

Watch the Video

For a detailed demonstration of this spell, be sure to watch my latest video. I’ll guide you through each step and share additional tips for making your spellwork even more effective.

🔔 Subscribe to my channel for more magickal tips and spells! 👍 Like the video if you find it helpful. 💬 Comment below the video with your experiences or questions about the spell.

Join "The Witch’s Guide to Magick"

If you’re ready to dive deeper into magick and manifestation, check out my online course, "The Witch’s Guide to Magick." You’ll learn powerful spells, rituals, and techniques to transform your life and manifest your desires.

Join here: The Witch's Guide to Magick

Embrace the magick within you and start attracting the financial abundance you deserve!

Enjoy the video!


This spell is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. Individual results may vary, and there are no guarantees of specific outcomes. Always practice safety when handling candles and fire, and never leave them unattended. Use this spell responsibly and with positive intentions.

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