Mystery Witch School Articles Archives

How to Read the Court Cards in Tarot

3 Magickal Herbs That Attract Money

How to Cast a Spell When You Have a Deadline

Spell Casting and Shadow Work - Casting for Difficult Spells

Magick and Who You Know Yourself to Be

How to Feel into Successful Magick

Money Box Spell to Attract Prosperity

How to Charge a Crystal with Your Intent

Sacred Lotus Oil to Enhance Your Magick

Why Witches Ground and Centre

How to Celebrate Friday 13th

3 Ways to Cleanse and Crystal

How Do You Know You're a Witch?

How to Make Prosperity Tea

Getting into the Spell Casting Zone

Feeling Disconnected from Your Spiritual Self

Witchcraft and Self Esteem

How Do Tarot Cards Work

Angel Numbers and Messages from Spirit

Witchcraft, Death and the Afterlife

Is Witchcraft for You?

The Underworld and Shadow Work

Calming Tea with Mother of Herb

Simple Money Oil

Simple Money Oil

How to connect to the Solstices

The Moon Card in the Tarot

How to Feel into the Results of Your Magick

How to Use the Witches' Pyramid in Magick

The Devil Card in the Tarot

How To Use Tarot in Spells and Magick

Connect with Your Spirit Guides Using the Tarot

Real Magick and Shadow Work

Learning the Tarot Court Cards

Working Witchcraft for Inner Peace and Happiness

Is Shadow Work a Witchcraft Thing?

How to Make Goddess Oil

Why Don't People Like Wicca?

How to Read Tarot for Yourself

Witchcraft and the Subconscious Mind

Road Opener Oil Using Four Oils

How to Read the Hierophant Card in the Tarot

Shadow Work and Outer Healing

Good Spell Casting Explained

How Do You Know if You're A Witch

The High Priestess Card of the Tarot

Chakras of Magick and Manifestation

What to do When People are Wary of You Being a Witch

How Shadow Work Connects You to Your Intuition

Facing Tower Card Moments

Healing and Purification Spell for the Mind and Emotions

Connecting to the God in Witchcraft

The 8 of Cups and Finding What's Missing

Working with the Lessons of Cronos Through Astrology

Rosemary Bundle Spell to Ease Nightmares

Witchcraft as a Spiritual Path of Meaning

Wheel of Fortune for Inner and Outer Change

Know Thyself, Witchcraft and Shadow Work

How to Work with the Energies of Yule and Litha

What is the 9 of Wands Trying to Tell You?

3 Reasons Why Shadow Work Makes You A More Powerful Witch

My First Book On Candle Magic and a Coventry Magic Book Review 

What Is Hekate's Key?

How the Eight of Swords Can Help You With Shadow Work

Past Lives and Shadow Work

How Connecting to the Goddess Makes Me Feel

Confidence Spell Bracelet Using Simple Cord Magick

Using Tarot for Shadow Work

A Beginner's Money Spell

The Feeling is the Secret of Magick

Where is the Love in Wicca?

Career Magick and The Shadow

Does Magick Have to be Complex to Work?

Your Inner Witch

Money Magick and the Money Shadow

What To Do After You Cast a Spell

Working with the Goddess Brigid

Shadow Work for Witches

Essential Oils for Protection

Ostara and Mabon - Celebrating the Seasons Within

How Did I Know that I Was a Witch

Coming Out About Being a Witch

More Ideas for Daily Practice as a Witch

Are There Rules in Wicca?

Integrating Rites and Spells into Healing Work

Lunar Phases Energy and Emotions

What is Wiccan Magick

Wiccan Sacred Days and Their Season For Inner Work - Imbolc and Lughnasadh

Candle Magick and Colour

The Most Powerful Magick - Feeling Loveable

The Solar Plexus Chakra and the Seat of Your Power 

Essential Oils Sleep Potion

When Your Magick Doesn't Work

Celebrate Your Magickal Success

My Experience Working with Hekate

My Experience of the Wiccan Journey East and West

Intuition vs Rationality for Witches

Inner Magick Through the Chakras

How to Make Cleansing Oil

We Need Our Wiccan Practice in Times of Crisis

How to Make Luck Oil

Cerridwen and the Cauldron of Knowledge

Settle Anxiety by Balancing the Root Chakra

 Advice for New Witches - What I Wish Someone Had Told Me

Spells for Anxiety - Magickal Aromatherapy

How to Work with Wiccan Deity Statues

Magickal Ways to Protect Yourself from Toxic People

Deepening Wiccan Practices Through Balancing the Chakras

How to Choose Your Magickal Staff and Other Wiccan Tools

Working with the Crone

Salt and the Witch

The Magic of Mugwort

How to Use Violet Oil in Your Witchcraft Practice

Magick and Surrender

How To Use Dandelion In Your Magick

How to Know if Witchcraft is for You

Healing Sadness in the Heart Chakra

Ancestral Healing - Removing Cords of Belief

How to Combine Crystals, Herbs and Tarot in Your Spell Work

How Witches Work with Labradorite

How To Work With Pagan Deities

3 Ways to Work With Smokey Quartz

What Does Being a Witch Feel Like?

Attract Love Tea Spell

What To Put Into Your Wiccan Journal

Candle Healing Spell

Getting More Out of Your Wiccan Rites

How To Do Spells For Other People

Heart Chakra Healing Petition Spell

Do Wiccans Need to Know About Astrology

How to Cast a Love Spell on a Budget

How to Use Lemongrass in Witchcraft

The Beauty of Candle Magick

How to Tap into Your Courage with a Spell

Binding Authority Spell

Advanced Wicca - Going Beyond 101

How To Use Bells to Cleanse A Space

How to Increase Your Psychic Abilities

How To Overcome the Energy Vampires in Your Life

How To Use Crystals for Healing

How to Use a Lapis Lazuli Crystal

How to Find Out What You Want in Life

Why Do Wiccans Celebrate the Season Cycles

Find a Job Spell

Bring In and Maintain Peace and Protection For Your Home With Magick

How To Discover Your Strengths Through Shadow Work

How To Make a Citrine and Herbal Money Potion

Clove Oil Candle Spell to Stop Gossip

What Happens If You Don't Do Shadow Work

How to Cast Spells in Nature on the Fly

What is the Difference Between Lunar and Solar Magick

How To Use A Selenite Crystal

My Early Wiccan Experience

Healing a Broken Heart Spell

Citrine Crystal Road Opener Spell

What is a Wiccan Altar and Why Do We Use One?

Wiccan Circles - What Does Sacred Space Feel Like

5 Common Reasons Why People Become Wiccan

How to Use an Obsidian Crystal Ball for Scrying

Earth Based Times of the Day for Working Spells and Magick

How To Do Psychic Readings Using Psychometry

The Witch's Dog - Guardians of the Afterlife

How to Energetically Influence Your Visibility

Easy Ways to Remember the Wiccan Sabbats

Crystal Healing and Sound Therapy

Spell Ingredients on a Budget

Reveal Your Truth Spell

Crystals for Spiritual Awakening

Every Day Wiccan Practices for Difficult Times

Why Is Magick Forbidden?

What Have Cats Got To Do With Witches?

Using Sound for Healing and Spell Casting

Feeling the Element of Water

Easy Kitchen Cinnamon Money Flow Spell

Emotional Thinking vs Intuition

Why I Don't Do Love Spells

How to Use a Magickal Staff

Can a Spiritual Practice Improve Your Life?

Do Witches Have Familiars?

3 Myths About Wicca

How to Create a Daily Wiccan Temple

3 Grounding Crystals to Help You in Your Wiccan Practice

What do the Days of the Week Mean in Magick?

What is a Witch Name and How Do I Get One?

What's The Difference Between Blessings, Spells and Prayers

Magickal Will and the Witches Pyramid Spell

What is the Role of the Ego When Doing Shadow Work  

Finding Your Inner Goddes vs Working With a Goddess 

How To Talk and Connect With Your Spirit Guides 

How To Do Automatic Writing for Wiccan Inner work 

3 Ways to Protect Yourself from Taking on Negative Energy 

Lapis Dream Spell for Inner Wisdom and Guidance 

How to Work with a Spirit of a Home 

How to End a Spell and Dispose of Any Remains 

Rituals for Loss - Grief and the Witch 

How To Improve Your Spell Crafting Through Accepting and Allowing 

3 Ways to Practice Wicca Every Day 

5 Ways To Work With Crystals Every Day 

How To Practice Self Care in a Turbulent World 

How To Find Your Totem Animal 

Magick, Witchcraft and the Law of Attraction 

How To Connect To Wiccan Deities 

What You Must Consider Before You Join A coven 

New Moon Spell for Expansion and Growth 

Earth Energy Connection 

An Inner School of Witchcraft 


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