How to Work with the Energies of Yule and Litha

It's the holiday season in many parts of the world and everyone is gearing up for Christmas. We in the craft are anticipating the solstices. Do you have a favourite solstice? Winter or Summer? 

In this video, I'll be talking about solstice energy and how you can celebrate the solstices even if you can't outwardly celebrate them. It's awful how many witches still have to hide their spirituality. 

The Solstices are extreme times of the year and the energy can be felt in extreme ways. They are a time of celebration and a time to ponder the dark and the light within and without.


Click the video below to watch "How To Work With the Energies of Yule and Litha".


Use the above tips to bring solstice energy into your everyday life.

If you're ready to take that next step toward living a truly magickal and spiritual life and want to learn Wicca in a group of like-minded people with your own spiritual mentor then check out the Mystery Witch School 101 Training Academy.

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