Spell Casting and Shadow Work - Casting for Difficult Spells

Nearly everyone has one area of spell casting that they struggle with. For some, it's love magick and for others, it might be money magick.

If you experience this rest assured it isn't because you're no good at love or money magick. It's more about your beliefs about yourself and the "thing" you want that's getting in the way.

In this video, I talk about how shadow work can help you identify what is actually blocking your success in magic and what you can do about it.

Enjoy the video!


Use the above tips to clear away your limiting beliefs so that you can magickal create the life you want to live.

CONQUER what's really holding you back from FULLY LIVING LIFE with JOY, PEACE and an EMPOWERED SENSE OF SELF without the frustration of trying to work it all out on your own!

with Mystery Witch School's Step-by-Step Chakra and Shadow Work Program

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