Working with the Lessons of Cronos Through Astrology


My astrology this year has my 7th house lit up like a Christmas tree. This house also contains my natal Saturn. If you don't fully understand astrology, don't worry; the video below will explain what you need to know when it comes to Saturn, shadow work and your natal chart placement.

Saturn is the roman deity of time, dissolution, generation and abundance. The Greeks called him Kronus (also spelled Kronos or Cronus). He's become associated with restriction, obstacles and harsh realities and where he appears in your natal chart will determine where you will have the most challenging lessons or experiences.

Discover how you can apply your shadow work to the challenges that Cronos offers and walk your path with more grace, ease and happiness. 


Click the image below to watch "Working with the Lessons of Cronos Through Astrology".

Use the above tips to work through the challenging lessons of Saturn/Cronos in your Natal Chart.

Let go of what's really holding you back from FULLY LIVING LIFE with JOY, PEACE and an EMPOWERED SENSE OF SELF without the frustration of trying to work it all out on your own!

with How to Heal Your Shadow Through Balancing Your Energy Centres FREE Masterclass

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