The Light Side of Shadow Work


Did you know that there is more to shadow work than icky beliefs and nasty personality surprises lurking in the depths of your subconscious mind?

And while integrating those nasty personality qualities actually helps you love yourself and step into your power that's not all there is to shadow work.

In this video, I show you how you can find your Light Shadow. The shiner and more "positive" qualities that you may be suppressing.  You will admire these qualities in others and either think that you don't have them or that you can't possibly express them. These qualities are just as important to your life purpose and potential as the darker qualities and they need integrating too.

Enjoy the video!

Click the video below to watch my video on the Light Side of the Shadow

Use the above tips to shine your light into the world.

Let go of what's really holding you back from FULLY LIVING LIFE with JOY, PEACE and an EMPOWERED SENSE OF SELF without the frustration of trying to work it all out on your own!

with How to Heal Your Shadow Through Balancing Your Energy Centres FREE Masterclass

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