Why I Don't Do Love Spells
Love spells would have to be the most sort after spells out there.
I see so many spell caster spam comments on YouTube about how a relationship was saved because a Dr Happy cast a spell on a spouse or a lover.
Now don't get me wrong. I have nothing against love spells to attract love into your life. I've done them and they work out well as long as you know what you want and are prepared to work through your own issues so you're not repeating old patterns of dysfunctional relationship behaviour.
What I find concerning is the number of requests I get to either share a spell or do a spell to bring back someone's boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse.
This goes beyond morals or ethics too. It's about our need to understand ourselves and why we feel that a certain person is the "only" one for us. This is where the shadow work comes in. It can free us from the personal insecurities which create the dependency on a certain person in order to feel worthy and loveable.
In this video, I share with you why it's so hard to let go of a relationship and what you can do to navigate your way through the pain.
Hi, I'm Sandra and I help new Wiccans create a magical and spiritual practice that connects them to their deepest spiritual self, nature and the divine without the fear of getting it wrong and not knowing who or what to trust.
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