Know Thyself, Witchcraft and Shadow Work

You've probably guessed by now that I have a thing for witchcraft and shadow work. I personally find that the two go hand in hand. A witch who doesn't understand themselves will find it difficult to understand others and we need the understanding to carry out our roles as healers, teachers and magick workers. 
Any witch who wants to fully step into their power beyond spells will want to release the programming that's restraining their ability to shine their magickal light into the world. Our self-knowledge is key to doing this.
In the video below, I talk about the concept of "know thyself" and how witchcraft and shadow work can contribute to this.
Plus, I'm also doing a book review on a wonderful book that had a strong influence on helping me step into my power and follow my purpose. I'm sure it can help you do the same.
Click on the Video Below to Watch "Know Thyself, Witchcraft and Shadow Work"

Use the above tips to begin your journey into self-knowledge.

Let go of what's really holding you back from FULLY LIVING LIFE with JOY, PEACE and an EMPOWERED SENSE OF SELF without the frustration of trying to work it all out on your own!

with How to Heal Your Shadow Through Balancing Your Energy Centres FREE Masterclass

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