Witchcraft, Death and the Afterlife

In witchcraft, we follow the various rites of passage throughout life, especially births and deaths. Most of us believe that we are here to create and experience life but due to amnesia and social programming, we forget why we're here. 
Traditionally witches would be present at births and deaths and a part of being a witch is to support the dying. In this video, I share with you my experience of being with my father when he recently passed away. It was a truly moving and beautiful experience and I am very honoured that I was able to share it with him and my sister.

Use the above experience to help relieve any fear you may have of death and dying.

If you're ready to take that next step toward living a truly magickal and spiritual life and want to learn Wicca in a group of like-minded people with your own spiritual mentor then check out the Mystery Witch School 101 Training Academy.

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A Healing Tea Spell to Remove Obstacles

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